Pacific wax myrtle. The name is derived from the Greek myrike, the Homeric name for tamarisk. An erect, densely branched evergreen shrub up to 30’ tall, the Pacific wax myrtle is usually smaller especially in garden situations. On coastal bluffs where it is subjected to heavy winds, it assumes a low, dwarfed form. Usually multi-trunked with smooth gray bark and a columnar habit, its main appeal is its clean, handsome foliage that provides a rich green element to the landscape throughout the year. The new leaves unfold bright apple-green and sparkle in the afternoon light against the mature dark green, glossy foliage. Useful as a screen, an Hedge Planting, or trained into a small formal tree. Mature plants are drought tolerant, but much more effective with regular garden water in coastal sites. Hardy to 0F. Coastal areas from California to Washington.